Pioneering the agricultural and construction machinery industry with its strong production infrastructure and wide product range, the domestic and national brand ÖZKA Tyres invests in radial tyres, which stand out especially in the European market, with the development of technology. With the completion of the investment, ÖZKA Tyres has increased its capacity by 55%, mostly in radial tyres, and aims to increase its capacity by 14% by 2022. Anticipating the needs of the industry on time, the brand will develop its new strategies based on more flexible, longer-lasting and high-performance radial tyres compared to conventional tyres. Radial tyres, which have wider footprints on the ground than diagonal tyres, provide higher traction in high tonnage compared to conventional tyres.


ÖZKA Tyre, which produces a wide range of products from agricultural tyres to industrial tyres, from light commercial vehicle tyres to special-purpose tyres with its state-of-the-art production system, constantly focuses on product and technology development with its R&D center studies. Developing performance tyres to meet the needs of new generation machines that increase in speed and tonnage, the brand offers advantages such as flexibility, comfort, high performance at high tonnage and long life with radial tyres. Expanding its capacity in this field by investing in radial tyres, which creates a serious trend in Europe, the brand will play a major role in this growing market. Acting with the foresight that the original equipment of new machines will be produced with radial tyres, especially with the awareness that has settled in recent years, the brand will manage its product strategies accordingly. Özka Tyres R&D Manager Tolga Ersoy said “Production technologies; It brings together many components such as speed, performance, ease of use, environmental factors. Technological integrations in industry and production are extremely important. The tyres of an agricultural machine produced with superior technology should also have the same technological equipment and comfort of use. Adapting to new technologies is extremely important for us in this respect. With our investment in radial tyres, we have invested in the near future in a sense. As in every field, agricultural and construction machinery are produced with superior technological equipment. In a very short time, the use of these technological machines in agriculture will increase all over the world and especially in Europe, and the market will evolve into this field in a short time. Therefore, the demand for radial tyres will increase for many reasons such as compatibility with technological devices, ease of use, superior performance, and reduction in fuel consumption. We are preparing the market with this investment we have made, anticipating that there will be a serious demand, especially in the agricultural field. We anticipate significant growth in this area. The new original equipment tires are used as radial tyres at a rate of 90%. This will affect the exchange market and there will be a serious demand in this area as well.' 


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